Cerberus the Guardian greek dog


This is my first english post. Mr. Denny asked us to make a posting that made of other languages like english and france. so just check this one out. directly from me...CERBERUS

Cerberus (Greek : Κέρβερος, Kérberos) is the name given to the entity which, in and Roman mythology, is a multi-headed dog which guards the gates of Hades, to prevent those who have crossed the river Styx from ever escaping. Cerberus featured in many prominent works of ancient Greek and Roman literature and in works of both ancient and modern art and architecture. As with most creatures from classical mythology, the depiction and background surrounding Cerberus often differed across various works by different authors of the era, the most notable difference being his number of heads; while most sources describe or depict three heads, others show him with two or even just one, a lesser number show a variable amount, sometimes as high as 50.

Cerberus was the son of Echidna, a hybrid half-woman, half-serpent and Typhon, a fire-breathing giant whom even the Olympian gods feared. His brother is Orthrus, always depicted as a two-headed hellhound. The common depiction of Cerberus in Greek mythology and art is as having three heads, a mane of live serpents (similar to Medusa's hair) and a dragon's tail. In most works the three-heads each respectively see and represent the past, the present and the future, while other sources suggest the heads represent birth, youth and old age. Each of Cerberus' heads is said to have an appetite only for live meat and thus allow the spirits of the dead to freely enter the underworld, but allow none to leave. Cerberus was always employed as Hades' loyal watchdog, and guarded the gates that granted access and exit to the underworld (also called Hades).[9]

The Twelfth Labour of Hercules

An ancient Etruscan vase from Caere (ca 525 BC) depicting Heracles presenting Cerberus to Eurystheus

The task of capturing Cerberus alive, without using weapons, was the final labour assigned to Hercules by King Eurystheus, in recompense for the killing of his own wife and children after he was driven insane by Hera, and therefore was the most dangerous and difficult. In the traditional version, Hercules would not have been required to capture Cerberus, however Eurystheus discounted the completion of two of the tasks as Hercules had received assistance.

After having been given the task, Hercules went to Eleusis to be initiated in the Eleusinian Mysteries so that he could learn how to enter and exit the underworld alive, and in passing absolve himself for killing centaurs. He found the entrance to the underworld at Tanaerum, and Athena and Hermes helped him to traverse the entrance in each direction. He passed Charon with Hestia's assistance and his own heavy and fierce frowning.

Whilst in the underworld, Hercules freed Theseus, but the earth shook when he attempted to liberate Pirithous, so he had to leave him behind. They had been imprisoned by Hades, who magically bound them to a bench, because they had attempted to kidnap Persephone. The magic was so strong that when Hercules pulled Theseus free, part of Theseus' thighs remained on the bench, explaining why his descendants had notably lean thighs.

In the underworld, Hercules met Hades and asked his permission to bring Cerberus to the surface, which Hades agreed to if Hercules could overpower the beast without using weapons. Hercules was able to overpower Cerberus and proceeded to sling the beast over his back, dragging it out of Hades through a cavern entrance in the Peloponnese and bringing it to Eurystheus. The king was so frightened of the beast that he jumped into a pithos, and asked Hercules to return it to the underworld in return for releasing him from his labours.


Cerberus featured in many prominent works of Greek and Roman literature, most famously in Virgil's Aeneid, Peisandros of Rhodes' epic poem the Labours of Hercules, the story of Orpheus in Plato's Symposium, and in Homer's Iliad, which is the only known reference to one of Hercules' labours which first appeared in a literary source.

The depiction of Cerberus in classical literature is relatively consistent between different works and authors, the common theme of the mane of serpents is kept across works, as is the serpent's tail, most literary works of the era describe Cerberus as having three heads with the only notable exception being Hesiod's Theogony in which he had 50 heads.

Most occurrences in ancient literature revolve around the basis of the threat of Cerberus being overcome to allow a living being access to the underworld; in the Aeneid Cerberus was lulled to sleep after being tricked into eating drugged honeycakes and Orpheus put the creature to sleep with his music. Capturing Cerberus alive was the twelfth and final labour of Heracles. In Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, Cerberus is found in the Third Circle of Hell, where he oversees those who have succumbed to gluttony, one of Christianity's seven deadly sins.

"Cerberus" is sometimes substituted for the "branch from the tree of the golden apples" fetched by Atlas from the garden of the Hesperides.This branch is the literary source of the "golden bough" in the Aeneid by Vergilius.


In this vase painting, Heracles leads a two-headed Cerberus out of Hades.

Numerous references to Cerberus have appeared in ancient Greek and Roman art, found in archaeological ruins and often including in statues and architecture, inspired by the mythology of the creature. Cerberus' depiction in ancient art is not as definitive as in literature; the poets and linguists of ancient Greece and Rome mostly agreed on the physical appearance (with the notable exception in Hesiod's Theogony in which he had 50 heads). His depiction in classical art mostly shows the recurring motif of serpents, but the number of heads differs. A statue in the Galleria Borghese depicts Cerberus with three-heads sitting by the side of Hades, while a bronze sculpture depicting Heracles' twelfth labour shows the demi-god leading a two-headed Cerberus from the underworld. The majority of vases depicting the twelfth task also show Cerberbus as having two heads.[16] Classical critics have identified one of the earliest works of Cerberus as "the most imaginative", that being a Laconian vase created around 560 BC in which Cerberus is shown with three-heads and with rows of serpents covering his body and heads.[17]


There have been many attempts to explain the depiction of Cerberus. Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, claimed that Cerberus had two pups which were never away from their father, as such Cerberus was in fact a normal (however very large) dog but artists incorporating the two pups into their work made it appear as if his two children were in fact extra heads. Classical historians have dismissed Heraclitus' explanation as "feeble".Mythologers have speculated that if Cerberus was given his name in Trikarenos it could be interpreted as "three karenos".

fEnrir, thE oDin swAllowEr


Kali ini giliran anjing dari wilayah skandinavia utara yang akan saya jelaskan sejarahnya.

Fenrir atau Fenris adalah anjing berukuran raksasa yang berasal dari daerah yang dingin di daerah norse utara. ada yang mengatakan bahwa fenrir seukuran gunung dengan rambut seputih salju. ada juga sumber yang mengatakan bahwa fenrir berkepala dua dan bermata merah menyala seperti sapphire. namun semuanya mengatakan bahwa Fenrir berukuran raksasa dan memiliki nafas es serta dapat berlari secepat Sleipnir, kuda milik Odin ( dewa tertinggi mitologi jerman utara & norse) yang berkaki delapan.

Fenrir adalah salah seorang dari 3 putra Loki ( Dewa kejahatan di mitologi Norse ) dan raksasa angrboa atau angrboda. Serigala yang ditakuti oleh semua dewa ini, kecuali Tyr sang dewa perang yang berani memberinya makan,hanya bisa ditahan oleh pita Gleipnir yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan yang sakti mandraguna. dalam mitologi norse, pada saat Ragnarok ( perang para dewa dengan raksasa) Fenrir bebas dan membantu pihak raksasa. pada saat itu, Fenrir membuka mulutnya sangat besar hinga rahang bawah menyentuh bumi dan rahang atasnya menyentuh langit. sehingga Odin Tertelan langsung oleh makhluk yang sisebut sebagai pembunuh dewa ini.

Namun Fenrir dikenal sebagai makhluk yang berbudi dan berjiwa ksatria dibandingkan kedua saudaranya yang lain. sangat loyal terhadap ayahnya walaupun sang ayah terkenal kejam dan jahat..

Salah satu favorit saya, saya rasa...

Fenrir muncul di game Final Fantasy IX sebagai summon milik Eiko yang bisa dipanggil dan memiliki elemen yang walaupun agak tidak nyambung, tanah..

otaku newsssss


hei ... uda lama ga ngeposting ya kali ini cuma informasi doank bukan tambahan ilmu dari gw he he he

bagi para otaku (penggila anime & manga) mau baca komik digital gratis yang lengkap dan all series? klik ke mangafox.com.....ya paling-paling yang ga ada hentai-hantai kacangan...sip?



ok setelah sekian lama saya tidak menjelaskan. sekarang vino kembali menjelaskan mengenai makhluk-makhluk supernatural berikutnya

Kali ini Hellhounds, secara ilmiahnya, artinya anjing neraka.

Anjing ini dipercaya sebagai salah satu Makhluk yang bisa mengabulkan permintaan orang lain.tetapi ada syarat yang dibutuhkan...dan itu akan saya jelaskan nanti.

Hellhound atau Blackshucks biasa dipanggil dipertigaan yang disekitarnya tertanam bunga magnolia kuning. disana kita menanam peti berukuran kecil yang berisi berbagai persembahan. setelah beberapa detik, Hellhound akan muncul, kadang dalam bentuk manusia, kadang dalam bentuk aslinya...disana kita bisa bertransaksi mengenai apapun yang kita inginkan...namun ditukar dengan nyawa 10-20 tahun beikutnya. dan sudah pasti donk masuk neraka....he he he he tertarik?

walaupun begitu, pencipta lagu rock, Robert Johnson mengaku bahwa dia mendapatkan ilham tentang musik rock dari "iblis" bernama Hellhound ini di Manhattan, New york pada akhir abad 19. bahkan hellhound dijadikan salah satu bagian dari lirik lagunya yang terkenal. "hellhound in my trail" begitulah.....



ya kali ini saya akan menjelaskan mengenai makhluk legendaris dari jepang. Inugami.

secara etimologis, inugami berasal dari 2 kata yaitu Inu, atau Anjing ditambah dengan kanji Gami yang berarti dewa dalam bahasa jepang..

Inugami merupakan salah satu Shikigami, atau roh pelindung keluarga yang hidup untuk membalaskan dendam tuannya.

Shikigami di buat melalui cara yang cukup kejam. yaitu dengan cara memenggal kepala anjing tetapi dengan cara yang menyakitkan dan menyiksa. anjing tersebut ditanam hingga hanya kelihatan kepalanya saja di tanah kemudian dipenggal dengan cara yang kejam.

ada juga yang menyebutkan bahwa Inugami bisa dibuat dangan cara yang agak "ringan". yaitu dengan cara menanam anjing hangga hanya tampak kepalanya saja. lalu diberi makanan disekeliling lehernya tetapi tidak terjangkau hingga akhirnya anjing tersebut mati karena kelaparan.

Inugami sangat kuat. sumber buku jepang lama mengatakan kekuatan seorang (atau seekor) Inugami bisa melebihi kekuatan seribu samurai berpedang. inugami juga bisa memiliki keturunan dengan mengawinkannya dengan yokai lainnya ataupun dengan manusia biasa....

lihat saja di anime Inuyasha yang merupakan Inugami sama dengan sesshomaru...

2nd Posting...Bout Bleach

oke..ne posting kedua saya...cuma mau beritahu website anime Bleach..tahu ga? biar kelak gampang download lagu n lu2 pade bisa baca komik digital bleach yang terbaru sekalipun!!!....klik ke www.bleachportal.net cuma butuh daftar doank ga pake bayar ini itu...

Come On Rip this Out!!!!


Hei!!! Ha ha ha Salam Kenal gw Vino the Blackshucks.....the vox of Funksets.
ini Blog gw...mungkin agak " Biasa-Biasa" aja, tapi lo liat isinya.....ni bukan sembarang blog yang dibikin pake uang atau rasa terimakasih. ni blog penuh perhitungan....so...Just call me Vino and I will give you my experience About a mystical world of the universe....